The Real Jeff The Killer

{{note|Found this on Wattpad. Each paragraph was a chapter for some reason, so I saved you the pain and put it all in one piece on here}}
Many of you guys probably remember the Jeff the Killer story, it is very famous on the internets. Many  you remember the plot, but what you probably don’t know is that IT ISN’T TRUE! For I have the real tale, that I haven’t told anyone, except a few freidns when we were all about ten. I guess one of them put the FAKE story up, stealing my story to make their own and get famous. BUT THAT DOESN’T MATTER NOW! I will tell you the true story, as it is scarier, and not a lie...
It all started when I was a kid, when I was told a old  tale, by my dad. He sat in his chair and smoked his cigarette, then said to me; “Johnny, I have to telly ou something. It is very important, so I want you to listen. It;s a story, but also a warning. Listen up.” And then he told me a tale about a man who was born in the early 1800s in Texas, who was born to a family who hated him, and no friends. When he was 15 his father poured gasoline on him and burnt him. He ran into the lake behind their house, and destinguished himself, before swimming to the other side of the lake, and escaping into the forest. He lived there for many years, and planned his revenge on the family that was so cruel to him. 
After 12 years, long after his family had forgotten about him, he moved out of the forest and swim to the other side of the lake. He pulled himself out, revealing his mangeled burnt skin body and bloodshot eyes from no sleep. He was holding a knife in one hand, and his other hand was missing. He creeped into the house and went to his parent’s room. He sliced them to peices as they slept, and hedrank some blood and then went on to the other rooms. He killed his brother, but his sister’s room was empty, so he went to look through the rest of the house, but to no a veil. He looked outside, and saw a teddy in the middle of the road. It was his sister’s teddy, she had escaped. She had seen him get out of the lake through her bedroom window, and ran to a neighbours house to get help. 
He snarled, and was about to go to cross the street when a horse sprinted up to him, with a policeman on his back. Then another, and another, until he was surrounded. They shot him and e dodged all the bullets, except one that ripped trough his face, ony just missing his teeth, creating a jagged perminent smile across his face. The policeman were all so shocked at this that it gave the man time to escape back into the forest. His sister was moved out of town the next day. He looked for her, and couldn’t find her, so he cursed the family to have the same craziness as him, every few generations. 
Then my dad chuckled, and told me to go to bed, as it was late. So I did, but I heard his laugh turn sinister as I went up the stairs. I lay in bed for a while, before hearing a crash. I ran out of my room, and realizd the noise came from the bathrom. I went cautiosly up to the door, and pushed it open...
The bathroom was cold, and the curtains were billowing. I saw that the window had been smashed, and that someone had jumped out, and ran down through the bushes of the front garden. There was a pool of blood on the ground and sink, surrounded by glass and a note. I picked up the note and read it. It said; “Dear son, I’m afraid I have to go now, as I am scared I will hurt you. I’m lost in my insanity, please do not follow me. I’m sorry. Johnny, I’m afraid to say that the murderous man’s sister was your great grandmother. Insanity runs in YOUR family. Watch out. Goodbye forever.” I held the note in my hand. And cried a lot. I ran back to my bedroom and hid under my covers, I cried and cried till there were no more tears. Then I thought about how I could end up like that murderous man...
A few months later, my mother told me that our cousins were coming to our house for a family get together, as I was so depressed since dad left. She decided I needed cheering up. When the family arrived, I slomped downstairs to greet them. There was many people there, including grandmothers, grandfarthers, cousins, uncles, auntes. It was okay, and sort of fun at points, but soon the day ended, and people started to leave. My mom said that two of my cousins were staying overnight, and that it would be like a sleepover. I decided that would be cool. My two cousins Liu and jeff. Cool!
The sleepover was going fine until about midnight, when Liu and Jeff started fighting, I was smaller than them both, so I hid under the bed and waited for the noise to stop.  I heard someone stomp out, and then a scream and a crazy laugh. From under the bed I saw Liu collapse on the floor, blood pouring from a gash on his neck. I pushed myself further under the bed, and hid behind some washing that was there. I was small enought to disappear compeltyly behind them. I heard Jeff laugh once more, before he ran away. After a few minutes, I climbed out from under the bed, and followed the trail of blod Jeff had left. It lead to the bathroom. I went there, and saw Jeff sitting on the sink basin, staring into the mirror. I stay quiet so he don’t see me, and I watch him. He laughed evilly and say:
“What a beautiful face” and was stroking his reflection. I look at his reflection. He had cut his cheeks  open to make an evil smile and blood EVERYWHERE, he had also cut his eyelids off. He was a very scary face, and he turned to the side, staring out the window. I hide behind the doorway as to not  show myself to him, and I am glad he did not see me, or I would be dead right now. He jump to the floor, then he runs over to the window. He laughs like crazy man and smashes window and then run away. He leaves blood on the floor, and glass. I quietly run downstairs to my mom, and I cry to her as I am scared because I am only eight. I tell her the whole thing and she phones the police.
The police arrive and tell us this has happened many times before, latest one being my dad, who they had to put in the crazy instutution, and I was sad about that. But now we had to concentrate on Jeff. The police went, and had to go look for Jeff before he killed everyone.  I was nervous.  They searched for hours and hours with no a veil. He was still out there, and he killed police. Me and my family moved out of the country and went into hiding. I have too so the next family member to go crazy they know where to find him or her.  
So, next time you hear about Jeff the Killer, remember that he is not what they tell you he is. He is my cousin, who went crazy because of family curse brought on by the original Jeff many many years ago. He does not have burnt himself, he has just got a skin condition, but his cut up face and big eyes with no eyelids is true. Watch out, he has no common sense, he is only crazy murder a machine, so WATCH OUT.